Michelle Hughes, aka “Ms. Information”, is a frequent city council pesterer, live tweeting council meetings and other city business on the #A2Council hashtag. She’s also a year-round ebiker and dog-petter. When there’s not a dang pandemic going on, she’s a DJ on WCBN and a puppeteer at the Dreamland Theater. She also helps distribute phone charging kits to the homeless community with Kyndness Tech.

Molly Kleinman wears a lot of figurative hats. She is the chair of the Ann Arbor Transportation Commission, a trustee of the Ann Arbor District Library, and a volunteer leader with Bend the Arc: Greater Ann Arbor. She was a founding board member of Common Cycle, where she learned how to true a bike wheel but never mastered replacing cables. In her day job, she is the program manager of the Science, Technology, and Public Policy Program at the University of Michigan Ford School of Public Policy.

Jessica A.S. Letaw is a buildings- and policy-junkie. She founded and leads Building Matters Ann Arbor, a nonprofit devoted to our local architecture and built environment. Jess is also on the board of Ann Arbor’s Downtown Development Authority; the advisory board of Justice InDeed, the research group documenting racially-restrictive covenants in Washtenaw County; and the policy committee of the Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti Chamber of Commerce. She founded and keeps a weather eye on Ann Arbor Humans Who Wonk, a conversation about local growth and development.
Jarod Malestein currently resides in Ann Arbor, Michigan, with his wife, four children, and two dogs.
He works for a local non-profit.
He would like you to know that adding more housing to your neighborhood of single-family homes will make it better.
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